Ofgem’s Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS) programme will transfer data based on an Event Driven Architecture (EDA) delivered through the Data Integration Platform (DIP). In turn, the DIP will process real-time information to drive smart decisions across the energy system. However, this means your systems involved in HHS will need to be prepared for significant changes.

HHSConnect, our HHS adaptor built on tried-and-tested energy market technology, prepares your business for these changes by considering your current infrastructure and providing you with options for a cost-effective way to interact with changing HHS technology and industry programmes through a single connection point. The result will be an accessible platform with online dashboards that provides insight and reporting that supports your customers now and in the future with reliability and compliance as standard.

HHSConnect Benefits

Reduced burden and risk through re-using an existing service that is proven and reliable, removing the need to integrate with an additional network
Managed costs with a fixed monthly charge payable only from when the service becomes operational
Less complexity through using an adaptor built on ElectraLink’s existing, proven industry technology
Minimises the cost and overhead of industry testing as responsibility lies with ElectaLink, not your business
Enables you to simplify your IT estate and concentrate on infrastructure upgrades outside of HHS as the adaptor utilises existing established DTS technology

HHSConnect in Action

Integrating with the DIP: Powering ahead with industry testing

Join our team of experts on Thursday, 11 April 2024, to discuss the most recent updates from the Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS) programme including:

  • Updates from our technical experts on the Market-wide Half-Hourly Settlement (MHHS) programme and MHHS qualification
  • How our DIP adaptor solution, HHSConnect, has progressed with industry testing since our first successful data transfer five months ahead of the programme milestones
  • How our current testing with programme participants benefits future users, using the programme’s placing reliance policy to reduce your business’ testing obligations
  • How HHSConnect can support your business with its connection to the DIP

MHHS Data Integration Platform (DIP): Start planning ahead

On Wednesday, 1 February 2023, we hosted a 30-minute webinar with a Q&A session that outlined the key changes to the market operating with the DIP, the requirements for businesses, and the different options that are available to support your transition to the DIP.

Problems We Can Help You Solve

"We need an adaptor to connect us directly to the DIP before official go live"

Our solution

Planning ahead gives a better chance for success and we are already working with customers to develop an HHS adaptor that suits their needs and will be tested and ready before their direct connection to the DIP goes live.

"We need more time for getting ready to connect to the DIP"

Our solution

Connecting to the DIP will require an overhaul of your IT systems – this will be time-consuming and costly as an investment to better serve consumers in the long run. ElectraLink is offering an interim adaptor solution using your Data Transfer Service (DTS) connection to connect to the DIP while you investigate efficiencies for connecting directly to the DIP. More time to plan means a better chance of success.

"Our intended route to connect with the DIP has fallen through"

Our solution

As it utilises existing technology, ElectraLink can step in and help you to transition to the HHS requirements regardless of your current IT infrastructure or progress connecting to the DIP.

Whitepaper on MHHS connection options

To help guide you through the MHHS programme journey, ElectraLink has published a whitepaper highlighting the low-risk routes of connection available.

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