What are the energy market data catalogues?
ElectraLink launched its data catalogues in 2020 to reduce complexity in the energy market and increase market accessibility.
The data catalogues are particularly valuable for new market entrants, with simpler, clearer explanations of license obligations and how to meet them within the complex code governance landscape.
The data catalogues are created using ElectraLink’s FlowBuilder tool. FlowBuilder will also allow parties to view all data flows, and update and test proposed data flow updates before they have been formally released, allowing parties to update their IT systems before go-live.
Combined with recent updates – allowing parties to download catalogues via APIs – rolled out in FlowBuilder, the data catalogues will support market change and innovation, and aligns with Ofgem’s works to deliver digitalisation across the energy market.
DTC catalogue
A data catalogue for Retail Energy Code (REC) parties, detailing the data flows that accommodate the inter-operational exchange of information and enable effective communication between industry participants via a standardised format.
Industry Data Catalogue
This supports a huge variety of processes between market participants including suppliers, consumers, producers, and central data bodies. It can create, alter and test any industry process and help the UK energy market run smoothly by standardising the format for sharing information.
RGMA catalogue
This data catalogue deals with the various aspects of metering in the gas industry, detailing data flows that accommodate the inter-operational exchange of information and enable effective communication between industry participants of industry events in a standardised format.
DFC catalogue
The Supplier DFC catalogue outlines the data flow requirements for gas and dual fuel suppliers operating under the REC.
UK Link Catalogue
UK Link connects the complex information, technology and communications systems that are essential to the successful competitive retail gas market in Britain.