ElectraLink has started work on phase two of the DCUSA Digitalisation Strategy. This will continue the work completed in phase one earlier this year, and centres on rebuilding the existing website, streamlining it to be better organised, and simpler to use. Ultimately, phase two aims to improve the digital DCUSA document and enable faster and easier access for users to find answers to their questions.
Tech changes
The existing digital DCUSA document will start its transformation as it moves into a database-driven environment. This will allow the document to become interactive and centralise the online DCUSA experience. ElectraLink and its tech partners, Xanda, are building the front-end using the JavaScript technology React, transforming the DCUSA user interface into a powerful single-page application. Along with improved navigation, the document will act as a gateway to the rest of DCUSA, connecting the diverse DCUSA activities and pending changes, thus transforming the way the digitalised version of the document is used.
Connecting all of DCUSA
The current digitised version of the DCUSA document has a user-friendly menu structure. Users can easily find and filter the information they would like to view relating to a section or schedule.
However, no other part of DCUSA is currently accessible, such as information about pending changes to the legal text or related change requests. This means the DCUSA document does not reflect what is happening in the rest of DCUSA’s activities, and a user would have to access each separate part of DCUSA and manually search for that information.
This is time consuming, especially if you are unsure where to look. Once phase two is complete, a fully digitalised DCUSA will centralise the position of the document across all DCUSA’s activities, showing users where code changes have been made along with related open or closed change requests. This makes the digital document a key point of access to the rest of DCUSA and enables users to have immediate access to the code’s wider impact and transformation.
Preparing for a digital future
Other developments in phase two may not impact DCUSA immediately, but benefits will certainly emerge as the whole energy sector and its processes move closer towards total digitalisation.
As the sector evolves, various parts of the industry will require access to data within DCUSA. For example, Ofgem or the Retail Energy Code (REC) manager may request information from DCUSA – either periodically or regularly at specific times of the month. Each request may differ slightly and currently this request can only be handled through a manual, ad-hoc process, with Ofgem and REC either requesting it from the secretariat or scraping the information directly from the DCUSA website.
However, if the DCUSA document and services are fully digitalised, it will be able to talk to the document or any part of the service directly through API calls. Ofgem and REC systems can then access the exact data required at any time of the day. Ultimately, this would promote instant, flexible cross-industry collaboration and facilitate cross-code data sharing.
The next phase of digitalising DCUSA, planned for completion in mid-2023, is powering a new user experience and building a technological foundation for the future of energy market code management. This transformation has worked for other industries and promises time and cost savings and new digital programmes to help the UK improve outcomes for households and businesses and achieve Net Zero.
To find out more about how we can help you with your digitalisation journey, reach out to us at [email protected].