ElectraLink, the Retail Energy Code Company (RECCo) and REC Code Manager have completed a collaborative project to integrate existing energy market data into retail energy market performance assurance.
Using data from ElectraLink’s trusted Data Transfer Service (DTS), the REC Performance Assurance Board (PAB) can report on retail energy market participants in Great Britain and assess their performance against regulatory obligations. This will improve reporting accuracy and increase energy businesses’ accountability to their customers and aligns with the Energy Data Taskforce’s recommendations to maximise the value of data.
To achieve this, the project partners designed a flexible solution to provide API access to DTS data. The data structures constructed enabled the combination of multiple KPIs into single endpoints, reducing the complexity and cost of delivering the system.
ElectraLink and RECCo secured provision of this data through the not-for-profit mechanism of the DTS Agreement (DTSA) following engagement and due process with the DTS User Group. This path provides data back to the industry with an additional value layer to improve value for money.
As a result of the collaborative nature of this nine-month project:
- 73 API endpoints were produced.
- 58 metrics across 13 retail risk drivers can be measured by the Code Manager enabling delivery of two specific performance assurance techniques.
- Three processes defined in the REC with performance concerns have been identified – the Code Manager is addressing these issues.
- The project was delivered under budget.
- Data transfer costs for all market participants is reduced since data is provided through the DTS’s not-for-profit mechanism.
ElectraLink’s Director of Data and Development, Paul Linnane, said: “RECCo looked to understand what centrally held data was available for REC performance assurance reporting against many KPIs across both fuel types. Following collaboration between parties and evaluation of the data, ElectraLink determined that data from the DTS could be incorporated into 57 KPIs reducing the impact on energy suppliers and other market participants from having to replicate the solution across their individual organisations. The variety of data available provides insights into countless energy market performance situations, and this is an excellent example of ElectraLink, RECCo and the Code Manager using central data and systems to benefit the overall energy industry.”
RECCo Head of Corporate Affairs, Rachael Anderson, said: “This project combined our performance assurance expertise with ElectraLink’s data expertise to identify options to measure specific retail risks. By leveraging the existing ElectraLink reporting capabilities, we have reduced the data collection required by the Code Manager, with ElectraLink able to pre-process specific data flow chains to identify anomalies and deviations.
“We look forward to our next collaboration with ElectraLink to make the retail energy market work even better.”
As per DTSA recommendations, the team pseudonymised and delivered data at aggregated KPI and individual line levels, which subsequently ensures that personal data or confidential data is only provided when required rather than all data being transferred each month – another cost-saving initiative.
RECCo first approached ElectraLink in April 2021 to source data for performance assurance activities. The DTS User Group is a panel of representatives from energy market participants such as network operators and suppliers, and they collectively ratify data provision requests. This ensures consistent governance of energy market data and that data sharing primarily serves to benefit the whole industry.
For more information on this collaboration between ElectraLink and RECCo, and how we are using energy market data to enable transformation in the sector, please email [email protected].