Another quarter. Another variant of concern. Another period of tremendous change for ElectraLink and our colleagues in the energy market.

We continue to see the world change because of the pandemic, and the energy market changes too as new technologies and approaches to the energy system emerge in response to the climate emergency.

I believe change is not something to be feared or repressed. When the sources of change are a rapidly progressing society and a rapidly deteriorating climate, businesses big and small would be misinformed to think they could ignore change or actively resist it. Change should be embraced for the new opportunities it presents. It is exciting and challenging – both positive virtues that invoke passion and creativity when it comes to problem-solving.

A notable development which will lead to change for ElectraLink is our signing of the net zero pledge to decarbonise our business operations, travel and facilities, and encourage emissions reductions in our supply chain. As part of our efforts to meet the aims of the pledge, an external agency will conduct an independent assessment of our current emissions footprint and we will implement actions to reduce where required. Our commitment is to reduce our emissions as much as possible while maintaining efficiency and growth, and we welcome customers and competitors alike to join us in taking this pledge.

Another exciting area of change is our involvement with the rapidly expanding digitalisation of the energy sector. ElectraLink’s role as the market’s central data hub has found us active in many digitalisation projects, including for several codes and innovation projects such as project Skyline (which I am pleased to announce has just been expanded into a second phase aptly named Skyline 2). Now, we are supporting the Energy Systems Catapult’s Energy Digitalisation Taskforce, which will identify how digitalisation can be deployed across the energy market to support Britain’s broader net zero goals. ElectraLink has a unique perspective and experience to contribute due to our work in data democratisation and connecting digital systems with regulation and market forces.

The upcoming implementation of the REC in September is also keeping us busy and engaged. The introduction of a rulebook for everything retail energy is a promising step to better serve end users and open the market to new business models, while protecting the homes and businesses who put their faith in the market to deliver world-class utilities services and solutions. The transfer of SPAA and SMICoP to the REC means we are assisting all code bodies to prepare for September and let the market move to a new operating model. This faciliatory work is running in tandem with internal change and ElectraLink’s own approach to living in a with-Covid world.

In a previous blog post, I confirmed ElectraLink is pursuing a hybrid approach to work. This allows for a high degree of flexibility, meaning whether our team works in the office or from home is decided based on what will achieve the best outcome. We followed the hybrid model before the pandemic, and this continues to serve us well as we monitor its efficacy. Staff remain productive and motivated in all settings and both offices in London and Nottingham are once again echoing with the chatter of staff throughout the week.

As more is revealed about the state of the gender pay gap, discrimination and other widespread issues in workplaces around the world, like most organisations we are looking at our own state of diversity, equality and inclusion. We recently commissioned an independent agency to anonymously survey staff, and we will use responses to paint a picture of ElectraLink’s culture. Once feedback has been processed and delivered to the executive team, I and my colleagues will draft a series of actions to target areas for improvement and solidify places where we have done well to ensure everyone feels celebrated and safe. This will also feed into the work we have already undertaken to remove unconscious bias from various processes, including recruitment and people management.

With another half-year down, I want to thank everyone for their continued engagement with ElectraLink’s output and your contributions to making change for the benefit of everyone.

Best wishes,
